How You Can Eliminate Germs on Everyday Surfaces with Strong Janitorial Supplies

It’s now as important as ever to mitigate the risk of germs spreading on everyday surfaces. With the proper cleaning methods using effective sanitation solutions, you can eliminate germs that come into frequent contact with people using tables, chairs, and other surrounding surfaces. At Busy Bee, we carry industrial strength janitorial supplies and commercial hand sanitizers for daily usage. 

Bacteria and dangerous germs are everywhere, but with the right equipment, you can easily lower their spread in common areas. We’ll break down which surfaces host the most bacteria and where they spread around most and go over why frequent cleaning is important to prevent germs from spreading to other surfaces. 


What Items Hold The Most Surface Bacteria?

The most ideal places and items or bacteria to congregate and spread are some of the things/places you use every day. To get rid of them, you should use effective sanitation supplies after handling them. 

Let’s start with the kitchen where food is commonly prepared. Dish sponges and rags used for cleaning should either be properly disposed of or washed in the laundry. You should also frequently clean kitchen sinks, cutting boards, and faucets, where e. Coli, salmonella, and other dangerous bacteria can fester. Countertops and refrigerators, where splatters and stains can spread germs, should be wiped down as well. If you want to avoid cross-contamination on food, those are some of the items in the kitchen you should clean as soon as possible. 

Other items or areas that need to be frequently cleaned are door handles, light switches, and electronic devices because of their contact with fingers. More specifically on the latter, devices such as remotes, game controllers, and phones are the perfect breeding ground for bacteria and other harmful germs. To get rid of them, you can use a light disinfectant spray and wipe them down with special wipes. 

There are many other items in your home or the public that can carry an army of bacteria and germs, but that would be a long list to break down. Instead, let’s go over where these germs propagate the most. 


Where Do Germs Spread The Most?

As we mentioned before, the kitchen is a commonplace where germs can spread the most, but any area can harbour these dangerous pathogens. Public gathering areas such as common rooms or living rooms can carry germs and bacteria. Washrooms should also be considered a hazard area where they can gather and fly around. If anything, use disinfectant and wipe down areas where people sit or items that people reach out for. 

To stop the spread of germs and dangerous bacteria, you should regularly wash your hands with soap before touching or handling things and use sanitizer afterwards. You should also wipe down dirt or dust in common areas and make sure they are clean. This also prevents you from sneezing or coughing in public. If you need to do either, make sure you cover your mouth with your sleeve to ensure your germs won’t spread. 

Lastly, try to not share personal items with other people and, if you do, limit who you allow to use it. With frequent cleaning and sanitization, it can stop germs and bacteria from spreading and we’ll detail how. 


How Does Frequent Cleaning And Sanitizing Prevent Germs From Spreading To Other Surfaces?

Germs and bacteria are bound to fly around and spread everywhere. Although it’s impossible to completely get rid of them, there are tools and cleaning supplies that greatly reduce their presence. By frequently cleaning, disinfecting, and sanitizing areas of use or commonly used items, you’re preventing bacteria from being spread between different people. 

Busy Bee has a diverse inventory of sanitation supplies and cleaning materials. Browse our collection or buy some today by contacting us HERE


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